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Somewhere Else

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£ 12.99 
This title will be released
September 6, 2024
- pre-order today! 


‘Jenni Daiches has astonishingly re-created a lost world... I wept and laughed and wished I had written it.’

Miriam Margolyes

Rosa Roshkin is five years old when her family are murdered in a pogrom and she is forced to leave behind everything she knows with only a suitcase of clothes and her father’s violin.

Somewhere Else is an epic generational novel about womanhood and Judaeo-Scottish experience across two World Wars, the creation of Israel and the fall of the Berlin Wall. A novel which explores today’s most difficult and urgent questions, not least of which: how to find identity in displacement.

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Release Date |  
September 2024
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Somewhere Else

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£ 12.99 
This title will be released
September 6, 2024
- pre-order today! 


‘Jenni Daiches has astonishingly re-created a lost world... I wept and laughed and wished I had written it.’

Miriam Margolyes

Rosa Roshkin is five years old when her family are murdered in a pogrom and she is forced to leave behind everything she knows with only a suitcase of clothes and her father’s violin.

Somewhere Else is an epic generational novel about womanhood and Judaeo-Scottish experience across two World Wars, the creation of Israel and the fall of the Berlin Wall. A novel which explores today’s most difficult and urgent questions, not least of which: how to find identity in displacement.

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This was a beautiful book about a young child who escapes Poland and is adopted by a Scottish couple. It is an epic generational story about womanhood and living in a country when you feel home is 'somewhere else'. Spanning the main character's lifetime and witnessing the effect of momentous events such as both World Wars, the creation of Israel and the fall of the Berlin Wall, it shows the dramatic effect on the family for generations to come.

Amelia Warner, Women's Prize for Fiction 2025 Judge

This poignant, sparely-written novel starts in a European past of pogroms, dispossession and cruelty, but it creeps cunningly into our ugly present-day. Jenni Daiches has astonishingly re-created a lost world, the story of so many who came from somewhere else and tried to make a life. The shadows she brings unerringly to life are the tale of my own paternal family. I wept and laughed and wished I had written it.

Miriam Margolyes

An urgent exploration of the fragility and beauty of our shared humanity, here and elsewhere.

Hannah Holtschneider, University of Edinburgh

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Jenni Daiches


about the author
Jenni Daiches (Calder) was born in the USA and has lived in Scotland since 1971. She is the author of three previous novels and two collections of poetry. As Jenni Calder, she has published biography and literary and social history. She is a previous president and current trustee of Scottish PEN.‍‍
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"You are right, dear... we have taken on a whole history as well as a daughter."

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