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privacy and cookies

Privacy Policy

Last updated on (22/07/2021)


Scotland Street Press views the security and privacy of your information as of utmost importance.  Here we describe what we do, and what we do not do, with your personal data. Data is shared with us when you visit our website or contact us in any other way.  This page exists to fulfil the GDPR principle of ‘Transparency’; we are always completely open and honest about our Data usage. We will also lay out how we meet lawful bases for processing, in line with the ‘Lawfulness’ GDPR principle, and identify when the ‘Fairness’ principle has been considered.

About Us

We are a company registered in Scotland under company number 549859.

For the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) the data controller is Scotland Street Press.

When will we collect your information?

There are only three instances in which we will collect personal information from you.

1 - When you make a purchase.

2 - When you sign up to receive our newsletter.

3 - When you submit a manuscript, job application or general enquiry.


Consent is the primary lawful basis for processing Data on which we establish lawfulness.

When you provide us with personal information in placing an order and to complete a transaction, or when arranging for a delivery or to return a purchase, we infer that you consent to our collecting it and using it for that specific purpose; your consent is implied.  

If we actively ask for any personal information for any other reason, such as subscribing to our newsletter, we will ask you clearly for your expressed consent to use that data for the stated purpose only.

You can change your mind and withdraw your consent to data collection when you wish, you can do so by contacting us at info@scotlandstreetpress. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter by clicking ‘unsubscribe’ in the footer of the newsletter, or by contacting us.


Besides Consent, a lawful basis on which we collect data is Contract; once you have placed an order and completed a transaction, there is a contract between you and SSP to fulfil payment, and for the item to be delivered to you by us.  

Legitimate Interests

A third lawful basis on which we collect and process data is that of our legitimate business interest of selling books; retaining customers, understanding and generating customer loyalty, all by improving the website experience.  In advancing our legitimate business interests, the ‘Fairness’ principle of the GDPR is crucial to consider; we do not process data in a way that would have an adverse impact on our customers, and therefore we do not weigh their interests against our own, theirs come first. Also, we only handle data in expected and standard ways, and we never mislead or deceive when we collect personal data.

Purposes for processing data

We Collect data to complete your order, to deliver our newsletter, or to be able to communicate with you as an author, prospective author, literary agent, or employee.  Further lawful business purposes for which we collect and process information are analysis of patterns of site use and purchase, so as to improve the customer experience of the website.  

Who might your Data be shared with?

We use various service providers to deliver our Website, Online Shop and Newsletter.  Each service provider has an appropriate privacy policy (see links below), and in general these third - party service providers will only collect, use and disclose your data to the extent necessary to allow them to perform the services they provide to us.  WE DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE sell your data to third parties, or make it available for marketing, advertising, data analysis, or other promotional uses.

1 - Webflow

Our website is hosted by Webflow.  View Webflow's Global Privacy Policy here.

2 - Mail-chimp

We produce our Newsletter using Mailchimp, and maintain the list of email addresses which receive the Newsletter with Mailchimp. View the MailChimp Privacy policy here.

3 - Paypal and Stripe

We use Paypal and Stripe as our payment gateways.  View their privacy policies: Paypal, Stripe.


Our website uses cookies, which are very small amounts of information saved to the device you use to access the site.  Cookies enable the site to work effectively, for example a temporary cookie is created for your ‘session’, which allows you to purchase books on the website since it keeps track of ‘what is in your basket’. Cookies also allow us to monitor and understand site usage, in conjunction with google analytics software, so that we can improve customer experience.  Cookies also directly enhance the website experience by preventing the same advert or banner from appearing repeatedly for example.   

You can easily disable cookies by changing the settings in your browser, however the website may not function as effectively without them.

Google Analytics

Information about your visit to the website is collected via a cookie which passes this information to Google Analytics.  We utilise this information to understand where our website is most effective and where it needs improvement.  No expressly personal data such as your name, address, and financial details are passed on in this transfer, however the data may contain online identifiers, IP addresses and device identifiers which are ultimately client identifiers.

Security, Data Retention and Archiving or Removal

We will securely store your data, by ensuring the physical security of offices where papers may be stored, and also the digital security of devices on which files are saved, by using appropriate passwords.  

Data will not be stored indefinitely, and will be archived when appropriate. It will be deleted when no longer needed for our lawful business purposes, outlined above, namely improving customer experience of the website. 

You can contact us at any time to ask for deletion of your data or contact details, and if you unsubscribe from the Newsletter, your email address will normally be archived. If you wish for it to be deleted altogether, please send us an email and we will do so.